Deliverable D4.1
This deliverable reports on the progress in SUPREMA during the first three months of the project. It includes a summary of the discussions during the kick-off meeting of the project team (January 23 & 24, 2018), the meeting of the Executive Board (24 January 2018) and the first meeting of the External Advisory Board (March 1, 2018). The challenges to SUPREMA include:
- Policies have had to widen the scope of their main objectives to take account of new challenges: (i) climate change (Paris agreement, COP21); the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); and (iii) new issues of interest (e.g. the working of supply chains)
- Policies be informed by model outputs (Impact Assessment)
- Current models are not able to deal with the increasingly complex environment (interlinkages) and the broader scope.
- Research needed to reduce the gap between the expectations of policy makers and the capacity of existing models.
SUPREMA delivers a roadmap for future directions for agricultural modelling in Europe. Our solution is:
- SUPREMA establishes a meta-platform that supports modelling groups linked already through various other platforms\networks.
- The SUPREMA model family includes a set of established ‘core models’.The models are policy relevant and offer the perspective for model enhancement and an enhanced linked system in a few focus areas to answer new policy questions and therefore better meeting the expectations by policy makers.
- Future directions of modelling will be explored and tested through coordinated scenario applications (baseline, policies).
Deliverable D4.1 (PDF, 6.8 MB)
Deliverable D4.2
At the launch, the website describes the set-up of the SUPREMA project. It is a central tool for dissemination, exchange and development of the consortium identity. Currently it covers information on the Project itself, the Partnership, the Output, a section ‘Contact Us’, and the Legal notice. With respect to the project description the website depicts Overview, Objective, Approach, Solution, and Work Plan. Within the duration of SUPREMA the project’s website will also be extended when more information will become available.
Deliverable D4.3
This deliverable presents the Data Management Plan (DMP) on open access data handling by SUPREMA. Here, Open access (OA) refers to the practice of providing on-line access to scientific information that is free of charge to the end-user and reusable. ‘Scientific’ refers to all academic disciplines. In the context of research & innovation, ‘scientific information’ can mean: (i) peer-reviewed scientific research articles (published in scholarly journal) or (ii) research data (data underlying publications, curated and raw data) (European Commission, 2017). For SUPREMA, the DMP is defined as ‘the development, execution and supervision of plans, policies, programmes and practices that control, protect, deliver and enhance the value of data and information assets’ obtained.
This report describes the management of the research data collected and generated during the project, and after it is completed. This also includes data to be generated, methodologies and standards, data privacy/openness, and preservation measures.
Deliverable D4.3 (PDF, 1.5 MB)
Deliverable 4.5
The Deliverable presents the progress in the project, discussed during the third project meeting. The project meeting discussed each task in WP3: (i) is the work for the different models agreed with the modelling teams? and (ii) what remains to be agreed upon in order the three tasks to complete the three milestones until the end of the year (Month 24) and finalize the three deliverables until early 2020 (Month 28, April 2020). Each of the tasks has specific expectations regarding model comparison and model improvements. The project meeting also discussed updates in the 3 other work packages and plans ahead.
Section 3 includes the summary of the minutes of the second meeting of the External Advisory Board held in Brussels on 12 February 2020. This meeting of the advisory board was held immediately following the third workshop ‘Strategic Prospects’ held on 11 February 2020.
Deliverable D4.5 (PDF, 8.9 MB)
Deliverable 4.6
This deliverable reports on the progress in SUPREMA and discussed during the project meeting (25 June 2020). A draft of the Roadmap is presented and discussed during the third meeting of the External Advisory Board (26 June 2020).
Deliverable D4.7
The SUPREMA models face different challenges, but all face the partly conflicting needs to, on the one hand, open the development networks to find a wider base of expertise and contributions, and on the other hand to coordinate developments and share overhead costs among partners. CAPRI and AGMEMOD have more open and wider developer networks compared to MAGNET and GLOBIOM. The key challenge for those models is to find ways to coordinate overhead processes and share costs. For CAPRI, there is also a need for more coordination in the software development process itself, and one possibility to explore is the establishment of a new legal body that institutionalizes the governance of the model. For MAGNET and GLOBIOM, the challenges are rather to open or extend the networks for development contributions. IFM-CAP is the youngest model in the family and might benefit from finding a wider user base. This also holds true for MITERRA, which is comparatively specialized and currently relying on the expertise of a small group of developers.
Deliverable D4.8
This deliverable presents the Data Management Report on the open access release of data from model runs in SUPREMA. Here, Open access (OA) refers to the practice of providing on-line access to scientific information that is free of charge to the end-user and reusable. ‘Scientific’ refers to all academic disciplines. In the context of research & innovation, ‘scientific information’ can mean: (i) peer-reviewed scientific research articles (published in scholarly journal) or (ii) research data (data underlying publications, curated and raw data) (see also: European Commission, 2017). For SUPREMA, the Data Management Plan (DMP) is defined as ‘the development, execution and supervision of plans, policies, programmes and practices that control, protect, deliver and enhance the value of data and information assets’ obtained. The Data Management Report is updating the DMP. This report describes the release of research data collected and generated during the project, and after it is completed. This also includes data to be generated, methodologies and standards, data privacy/openness, and preservation measures.
Deliverable D4.8 (PDF, 1.3 MB)