3rd Stakeholder Workshop ‘Strategic prospects’ will take place on February 11, 2020, in Brussels, Belgium

The 1st Stakeholder Workshop ‘Needs’ led to identify future needs and challenges in support of evidence based policy making while in the 2nd Stakeholder Workshop ‘Narratives’ three scenarios were developed to test current model abilities to cover a number of important topics. These Narratives are

  • Common Baseline;
  • Climate change policy narrative;
  • and Common agricultural policy (CAP) related narrative.

At the 3rd Stakeholder Workshop ‘Strategic prospects’ draft findings of the scenarios are presented and discussed to capture feedback to narratives and related outcomes. Also the spread between the identified needs and challenges on one hand and conducted model enhancements on the other hand will be addressed. A third slot will be attributed to compile ideas about future research needs.

> Agenda of the Workshop can be found here
> Information with regard to registration here

2nd Stakeholder Workshop “Narratives” took place on March 5, 2019, in Brussels, Belgium

The 2nd Stakeholder Workshop “Narratives” aimed to define the Narratives for future model-based policy analyses of European Agriculture.  Especially participants discussed narratives to be developed for the SUPREMA project to test the modelling toolbox regarding (i) a baseline for agricultural modelling, (ii) a climate change policy narrative and (iii) agricultural policy narratives. Ideas on selected narratives were presented and feedbacks were captured from stakeholders for further refinements. Stakeholders also guided the SUPREMA project to identify the most relevant scenarios. The presentations focussed on (i) what can be delivered during SUPREMA project (plans regarding model linkages and model improvements), (ii) what were strengths and weaknesses in the modelling capacity, (iii) what remains promising with respect to future research.  

> Agenda of the Workshop can be found here

1st Stakeholder Meeting “Needs” took place on March 1, 2018, in Brussels, Belgium

The 1st SUPREMA Workshop ‘Needs’ was established to understand better challenges and needs posed to the future development of models and model based support for policy actions from a stakeholder perspective. The focus is on agri-food systems and policies influencing the agri-food system locally, nationally and at global scale. Two objectives were addressed from a policy perspective: We aimed to capture views of stakeholders on the future societal challenges of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and other related policy areas as well as to identify stakeholder needs for model-based analysis (both medium-term until 2030 and long-term until 2050) which may affect future agri-food systems and may require adaptations in model based policy analyses for an evidence-based decision making.

> Agenda of the Workshop can be found here

Stakeholders and modellers in discussions:

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Kick-off meeting took place on January 23 & 24, 2018, in Den Haag, the Netherlands

A summary of the discussions during the kick-off meeting of the project team (January 23 & 24, 2018) can be found here