Tools - The SUPREMA model family
The SUPREMA model family covers the following models: AGMEMOD, CAPRI, GLOBIOM, IFM-CAP, MITERRA and MAGNET.
Medium-term perspective
AGMEMOD, CAPRI and IFM-CAP have been applied for a medium-term baseline up to 2030 and CAP related scenarios with a focus on the agri-food sector of the EU Member States. The scenarios follow the “business as usual” assumptions. This implies a continuation of the CAP of 2019 and the use of projected macroeconomic variables following the trends observed so far. The models are also linked in different combinations, for example IFM-CAP and CAPRI or AGMEMOD and MITTERRA.
More details on AGMEMOD, CAPRI and IFM-CAP.
Main differences between the three models lie in their spatial coverage, temporal scale and simulation approaches. IFM-CAP is an EU static farm-level, non-linear programming model. It simulates values for a number of farming activities at the spatial level of a single farm (crop areas and animal numbers can be aggregated at the country and EU levels). CAPRI and AGMEMOD are, on the contrary, market models’ focussing on market balances and prices. CAPRI also provides estimates for many on-farm activities and environmental indicators. AGMEMOD covers EU and Eastern European countries as well as some African and Balkan countries. Its highest regional disaggregation level is NUTS0. CAPRI is a global model and its disaggregation levels for the EU include NUTS2, farm-type, and for some environmental indicators 1x1km grid. AGMEMOD is a dynamic model, thus, it provides results for each year and includes year-lags in its equations, and CAPRI is a calibrated static model.
Long-term perspective
The models applied for a long-term baseline up to 2030 and climate change related scenarios are GLOBIOM, MAGNET and CAPRI.
More details on GLOBIOM, MAGNET and CAPRI.
GLOBIOM, MAGNET and CAPRI are used to generate the baselines for the EU agriculture in 2050. They provide results on the economic indicators such as prices and production, GHG emissions and land use. The models of this set differ among each other as well. GLOBIOM is a dynamic partial equilibrium model, CAPRI is a static partial equilibrium and MAGNET is a static general equilibrium model. Furthermore, MAGNET models production with CES function, GLOBIOM applies Leontief technology, and CAPRI uses non-linear programming models, which combine Leontief technology for variable costs with a non-linear cost function.
The SUPREMA Deliverable 1.5 ‘Documentation of the SUPREMA model tools’ describes in detail the five models listed. (Link to Deliverable D1.5 unter Output)